Everyone can write, right?

Of course.

But when it comes to your business, there’s a difference.

For example, you might be able to say who you are, but do you know the words which will:

  • Grab the attention of your audience
  • Stir their emotions
  • Persuade them you’re the only person who understands them and can solve their problems

Chances are you’ll fancy having a crack at it anyway, but it’s okay to admit if you wouldn’t have a clue where to start.


Because you’re better suited to rolling your sleeves up and helping people, not sitting behind a computer trying to find the right words to sell yourself.

You shouldn’t be expected to know the complexities of search engine optimisation or how to write persuasively – and that’s fine.

So, if you’re on the fence about hiring a copywriter, this article will give you twelve reasons why you should.

12 reasons why you need to hire a copywriter.

Let’s jump straight in:

1. A copywriter saves you time.

There are never enough hours in a day, and when you have to write about your business, there are even fewer.

And when it comes to writing, it’s never a fifteen-minute job. You might have to spend time researching (especially for articles), and that’s before you even sit down to writing and spending hours deleting sentences that aren’t hitting the mark.

Then there’s the editing, proofreading, rewriting, editing and proofreading again.

Blimey, before you know it, you’ve been working on the same piece for seven hours.

A copywriter does that for you, which means you can get on with all the stuff on your normal to-do list.


2.  A copywriter helps you avoid common mistakes.

Even if you’re a confident writer, it’s easy to make grammatical or spelling errors.

A copywriter spends their day knee-deep in words, which means they’ll pour over the copy checking for errors, spelling mistakes and sentences that make no sense whatsoever.


3.  A copywriter gives you a consistent tone of voice and makes you sound human.

Notice how we use words and phrases like:

  • Awesome
  • Kick-ass
  • Freaking awesome
  • Cool, right?

Well, that’s part of our tone of voice, and we write this way consistently across all our platforms, from our website and emails to our ebooks and social media.

A consistent tone of voice means if you were reading our stuff on a blank piece of paper, you’d know The Good Alliance wrote it.

By being consistent in all your comms, you build trust in your business and customers get to know your personality.

Because, when it comes down to it, people buy from people.


4. Search Engine Optimisation

Three words to send a shiver down anyone’s spine.

Not only have you got to write something interesting, but you’ve also got to stick keywords in that tell search engines:

  • Who you are
  • What your page is about

What happens then is you stuff keywords in like you’re chucking confetti around at a wedding.

And search engines punish you for this.

Due to their complicated algorithms, they know when you’re keyword stuffing – so it’s a big no-no.

A copywriter finds the perfect balance between too many keywords and too few – while making your page or article sound super engaging.


5. A copywriter knows how to sell without selling.

Hate having stuff rammed down your throat as soon as you visit a website?

Well, a top copywriter knows how to persuade your customers into buying a product or booking a consultation without the hard sell.

Selling without being salesy is a skill. It’s all about giving the customers enough information to make them feel your business will save them a lot of time, energy and hassle.

This is why, on a website that’s written properly, you’ll be taken on a journey before being nudged into doing the right thing.

Want to see a business owner doing it right?

Check out the sAkshi website.


6. A copywriter makes your business stand out.

You wouldn’t believe the number of jobs I’ve done where the client has told me to take the words from a competitor’s website and rewrite them so it doesn’t show up on a plagiarism checker.

Er… no, thanks.

A copywriter ignores your competitors’ words and writes about what’s so special about:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why clients need to pick you over anyone else

You’re one of a bloomin’ kind, and that needs to be celebrated. By copying somebody else, you blend in. A writer picks out what’s so freaking awesome about you, lets your audience know it and makes you stand out.


7. A copywriter can increase your sales.

Well-written copy works like magic.

It can increase traffic to your website and persuade people to part with their hard-earned cash.

Think about it, if you land on a website where the message is confusing or dull, you’ll click back to a search engine and look elsewhere.

When one is written with energy, urgency and a pinch of passion, you’ll feel compelled to read on before sticking an item in your basket or booking a consultation.

That’s why investing in a copywriter is worth its weight in gold.

Sure, you might be worried about the initial outlay, but when it’s done right, you’ll recoup it – and then some.


8. A copywriter keeps your message clear and concise.

All killer. No filler.


9. A copywriter is versatile.

Writing about your business doesn’t only cover your website. You might also need to write:

  • Blog posts/Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Product descriptions
  • Emails
  • Social media
  • Case studies
  • Press releases

Each one of these has its own unique style and quirks. It’s not as simple as copying and pasting your ‘About’ page into another format.

Making an email stand out is way different to making a web page or press release engaging.

Do you know the difference?

A copywriter will – and they’ll flip between different writing work while keeping your message and tone of voice consistent.


10. A copywriter gives you objectivity.

When you write stuff yourself, it’s easy to get lost in self-indulgence.

A copywriter looks at your business objectively. They see, as an outsider, what’s working with your current message and what’s not.

They’ll reign you in when making bold claims you cannot deliver.

Sometimes, being too close to your business blinds you to glaringly obvious issues.

A writer will open your eyes to them and give you a better way of selling yourself.


11. A copywriter is experienced at writing.

Let’s say you’re a kick-ass coach with years of experience, insight and knowledge. You know exactly the right questions to ask to help your client think about a problem differently and come up with a solution themselves.

The same can be said for an experienced writer.

They’re coming from a place of experience, so they know what works and what doesn’t.

A copywriter isn’t working against you. They’re working for you. So, if they tell you something is wrong, resist the urge to growl: 

Tough, I like it the way I wrote it!

They’re on your side, so embrace their expertise.


12. A copywriter makes everything sound awesome!

Suppose you’re in a niche or industry that’s a little dry. Or you need to write an article on some pretty heavy stuff. A copywriter can bring it to life.

They’ll pack it with personality and make your audience want to read on.

Your business doesn’t have to follow the same path as everyone else. Make the boring stuff exciting, and forget about everyone else doing it in the same old style.

It’s incredible how, when you break the mould and make something boring sound awesome and exciting, your competitors notice and give you the biggest compliment you can receive: they’ll copy you.

Realising your words are best left in the hands of somebody else doesn’t mean you don’t know how to write about your business.

In fact, you’re the most essential part of the writing process.

With your knowledge and experience, a copywriter can’t write content that’ll blow people’s socks off.


Need to hire a copywriter?

The Good Alliance has written content for hundreds of clients. Whether they’ve been coaches, consultants, non-profits or social businesses – we’ve helped them reach their target audience, increase their website traffic and win more clients.

If you’re ready to take your business up a level, visit our Brand Bootcamp page to see how we can help you:

  • Clarify your vision
  • Craft a compelling story
  • Develop your brand identity
  • Share it with your audience

Check out our article, Why people are bouncing straight off your website, to see how a copywriter has a part to play in making them stay. Or ask me, Matt, The Good Alliance copywriter, a question in the comments.