Why we do it

Our work

Some examples of work we’ve completed for our clients over the years.

One of many™

With fastidious attention to detail and exceptional customer service, One of many’s in-person events and training not only changed lives but turned attendees into vocal champions. But Jo recognised that if they wanted to reach more people and make the global impact they dreamed of, they were going to have to take both their community and training online.

More specifically, they needed to make sure it lived up to the brand experience they delivered at their in-person events. That’s where we came in.

Mel Noakes

Mel felt that her brand was holding her back and that she wasn’t really communicating her value to her clients. It was costing her business and meant everything she did felt like an uphill struggle.

Our creative team worked closely with Mel to help her reconnect with why she was in business, the customers she was best placed to serve and find a new niche and name for her business. They then worked to craft messaging and a visual brand that truly encapsulated the difference she was making in the world.