17 health coaching websites to inspire your own

So good you’ll be itching to make changes to your health coaching website in seconds!

Being a health coach is all about making your clients feel good. So, it stands to reason that when they land on your health coaching website, it not only has to look good, it needs to make the visitor feel good too.

If it’s confusing, poorly designed and doesn’t make it easy to take action, your visitor will click away.


After all, if you can’t make them feel understood and cared about on your homepage, why would someone consider you as the answer to their problems?

Awesome health coaches deserve an awesome website

First impressions are everything, which is why we’ve compiled a list of seventeen health coaching websites that showcase great copy, strong imagery and kick-ass branding and design.  

So, scroll on and take some inspiration to improve your own health coaching website, because the more leads and clients you get, the bigger impact you can make.

1. Amber Haider

Amber is a life coach, coaching women to start saying ‘Yes!’ to themselves a little more and stop putting everybody else first.

Why it works: Amber’s website is calming, knowledgeable and makes it easy for visitors to find out who she is, what she does and whether she’s the right health coach for them.

Her branding is strong and her copy is honest, which means her audience immediately feels she’s a real person helping real people with real issues. 

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2. Claire Ragozzino

Claire is a certified yoga instructor and Ayurvedic counsellor, working to empower her and connect clients with their true nature through ancient Ayurveda wisdom and yoga.

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Why it works: Claire’s branding is bang on and the site is clutter-free, making it feel light and airy – perfect for people looking to declutter their minds. 

She also explains what’s involved and makes it easy for visitors to try out meditation, yoga, yogic breathing and healthy recipes. A “try before you buy” approach, so to speak.

It’s a rare, selfless approach – but it makes Claire stand out.

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3. Health Coach FX

Health Coach FX is made up of Laura and Petra, a mother and daughter coaching team who believe it’s time to redefine women’s health care and free them from hormonal imbalances.

Why it works: Health Coach FX is a beautiful website that strikes the perfect tone with its audience.

With plenty of white space, engaging imagery and copy that’s short and simple it’s a website that’s easy to digest and a delight to navigate.

You could say it’s perfectly balanced, which is what this mother/daughter team is trying to do for their target audience.

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4. Heather Waring

Heather teaches clients how getting outside in the fresh air enriches all aspects of your life.

health coaching websites, health coach
Why it works: Heather’s coaching is all about getting outdoors and enjoying the fresh air and nature. And that shows in her branding. Her header’s sunrise image is glorious, and Heather follows this ‘nature’ theme through her website by including photos of plants, flowers, stones and grass. Her process is easy to follow and she explains everything she does and what potential clients need to do to work with her. It’s a beautifully designed and well-written health coaching website that makes you feel energised – precisely the point of Heather’s particular style of coaching. Visit Website

5. Dr Jo Baldwin

Jo is a health and wellness coach for women looking for more confidence, energy and direction in their lives.

Why it works: From clear messaging to testimonials, the different types of coaching she provides and professional site design – there’s a lot to love about Jo’s website. But what really stands out is her ‘Process’ section. Many health coaching websites forget to include this, not Jo. She makes it clear to her audience that her process is made up of three easy steps: Diagnose, Decide and Take Action. This makes it easier for site visitors to decide if Jo is the right person to help them. Visit Website

6. Kalpa Patel

Kalpa is an addiction intervention and recovery partner, working with individuals, and their family and friends, to create a support network that breaks the addiction cycle.
Why it works: Kalpa’s website, Sakshi, makes it clear who she is trying to help. And her copy is designed to make her clients change from feeling like a victim to feeling like somebody understands them completely. And why wouldn’t they? Kalpa is open and honest about her own struggles with addiction, which means she is well placed to help her target audience. Visit Website

7. Kenneth Miller

Ken offers mindfulness-based coaching and psychotherapy to help clients get unstuck in their career and relationships and create a happier, more satisfying life.
health coaching website
Why it works: The muted-tones on Ken’s website help you feel immediately at ease. His imagery is warm and welcoming. And his copy gives off an air of experience and understanding. Every word is carefully chosen to resonate with his target audience. And the design is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to take action and book a consultation. Visit Website

8. Lisa West

Lisa is a health coach for women juggling the modern world’s demands while navigating natural changes in their body.
best coaching websites
Why it works: Lisa’s website is pretty much perfect. Her headline tells you who she is and what she does. Her branding is spot on too, not only with her logo (which is incorporated into her website’s background) but with the peaceful, relaxing and approachable use of imagery throughout. It’s clear, soothing and free of noise – perfect for her target audience. Visit Website

9. Mel Noakes

Mel is a self-care coach on a mission to help women feel empowered and live extraordinary lives.
Why it works: Mel gets straight to the point with her main message:

An extraordinary life starts with self-care

And follows this through with a simple quiz for potential clients to take. Her website is clean and easy to navigate. And it’s written in a conversational style that makes you feel like you know Mel personally. Yes, there’s the odd swear thrown in, but Mel knows her audience. She knows they don’t want fluffy bullshit. They want clear, actionable advice from somebody who feels the way they do – and she does it spectacularly. View case study

10. Mellissa Laycy

Mellissa is an integrative nutrition gut health coach, dedicated to getting her clients’ health and happiness thriving using only what nature has to offer.
health coaching website
Why it works: Mellissa’s visually stunning website allows her clients to understand what she offers straight away. There’s also a free yoga video to help reduce anxiety, a live cooking demo and useful hints and tips for a healthy gut and body. It’s a bright and breezy website that makes you feel healthier just by looking at it. Visit Website

11. Loliya Harrison

Loliya works with perimenopausal and menopausal women, helping them reclaim their confidence and learn to love their bodies again.
health coaching websites
Why it works: Loliya’s copy resonates with her audience immediately, with many women likely to be nodding along as they read, thinking: “Wow, that’s so me!” Her coaching options and processes are easy to understand. And the colours she uses are light and fresh. If you’re going through menopause or perimenopause, you’re unlikely to leave Loliya’s site without taking action – job done! Visit Website

12. Sahmura Gonzalez

Sahmura is an integrative health coach and personal trainer, helping people overcome the roadblocks stopping them from taking control of their health.
Why it works: Sahmura’s page has the least amount of copy we’ve ever seen (she’s certainly not obsessed by weighing it down with SEO keywords). In fact, there’s barely any copy at all, but there doesn’t need to be. Sahmura’s logo explains she’s a health coach and personal trainer. Her images are cool and professional. And the rest of the homepage is split into three sections giving visitors links to what her coaching is about, resources they can use and a short, snappy call to action. And that’s it. Breathtaking visuals and super-short, sharp copy that doesn’t waste a single word. Visit Website

13. Sam Cannell

Sam is a Holistic Health Coach, Wellness Advocate and Speaker who guides women to balance their hormones with nutrition, lifestyle and essential oils.
health coaching websites
Why it works: Sam’s health coaching website is fresh, easy to navigate and packed with useful content. Her copy is clear and makes it super easy for her audience to download free guides or sign up for her programmes without feeling hassled into doing so. Her use of imagery and video also make what she does visually appealing and Sam herself approachable and warm. There’s so much content to pour over, but it never feels too much. Visit Website

14. Sigi Fisher

Sigi is a health coach and personal trainer, passionate about helping ambitious women get healthy through a scientifically proven, holistic approach to mental and physical wellbeing.
Why it works: Sigi’s website is basic in design, opting to use bright colours and large fonts. It also uses conversational copy that shows her personality and clarifies who her coaching is for and how to take action. Every photo has been chosen carefully too, showcasing how what’s involved will be challenging but fun. Visit Website

15. Speech Sisters

Bridget and Burke (aka Speech Sisters) offer speech therapy and language courses for parents whose babies and toddlers struggle to talk.
Why it works: The Speech Sisters know their audience, which is obvious in their copy. Every word is chosen carefully to resonate and reassure parents of babies and toddlers with speech problems, making it easy to follow the process involved. It’s immensely reassuring, and with the inclusion of prices on their homepage (which is rare), it’s completely open and transparent with no hidden agenda. Visit website

16. Dr Rachel Taylor

Rachel is a transformation and wellness coach, helping her clients live their best life.
Why it works: Rachel’s health coaching website design is gorgeous. It’s so fresh and appealing, made even more so by her use of ‘white space’. It’s also easy to understand what she does, what’s involved in her process and the benefits her programmes deliver. Rachel’s images show she’s laid-back and approachable and the photos of plants and flowers hammer home that feeling of transformation and wellness. Great branding, design and copy that delivers.

17. Zita West

Zita is a midwife and fertility coach, helping women transform their relationship with their minds and bodies through guided visualisations.
Why it works: Zita’s health coaching website, HUG, does what it says on the tin – it’s like receiving a virtual hug from a website. It’s warm and comforting, mainly down to the colour scheme and visual branding. The copy makes it clear who she serves. She includes a video that makes her feel approachable. And her past clients include film stars like Kate Winslet For women struggling with fertility issues, it’s the hug they need to take action. Visit website

Inspired to refresh your health coaching website?

But not really sure what to do or where to begin?

No worries, why not get The Good Alliance to give you a hand by signing up for Brand Bootcamp?

Signing up means you will clarify your vision. Craft a compelling story. Develop your brand identity. And share it all on a rejuvenated website.

And for more coaching website inspiration, check out our articles, 31 best coaching websites of 2021 and 20 great coaching websites.

Cat Townsend

Founder of the Good Alliance

After more than a decade spent helping big brands sell more stuff, to people that didn’t need it; Cat set a simple intention: To do more work that made a positive difference in the world. So The Good Alliance was born…


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