31 best coaching websites of 2021

With more people working digitally due to COVID, here are thirty-one coaching websites making life easier for clients in 2021.

Having worked directly with hundreds of coaches, and advised thousands more, I’ve seen my fair share of coaching websites.

Some awesome, some… well, not so great.

As we sail through 2021, there are two things I know for sure:

1. Coaching is needed (and valued) more than ever. Having coped the best they can with what 2020 threw at them, more individuals than ever are seeking coaching to help them keep moving forward in their personal and professional lives.

2. It’s no longer enough to simply have a website. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns changed everything overnight. And as the whole world went digital, our expectations of that digital experience also increased.

The harsh truth is that if your coaching business is going to survive past 2021, you’re going to need a website that:

  • Provides clarity about what you do, and who you do it for
  • Inspires confidence in you and the quality of your services
  • Compels people to take action BEFORE they leave your site

Achieving those three things isn’t rocket science, but it does require careful thought and consideration.

Which is why I’m going to share and dissect some of the best coaching websites on the internet, to explain what makes them work and how they meet these three simple criteria.

Be sure to hover over the images in this post to view each website in full.

Let’s get started…

1. Amber Haider

Amber is a life coach who coaches women to stop putting everybody else first and learn to say ‘Yes!’ to themselves a little more.

Why it works in 2021: Her coaching business and branding are 100% her.

Amber chooses to go with a warm, laid-back shot of herself right from the start.

At a time when customers have enough to worry about, Amber is calming, knowledgeable and makes it easy for her customers to know who she is and who she serves.

She’s open, honest and her copy is chatty and conversational – so clients can straight away Amber’s a real person helping real people with real problems.

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2. Ami Summers

Ami is a business and leadership coach, helping small business owners develop their creative skills and become more business savvy.

Why it works in 2021: The design and branding are bright, warm and welcoming.

The first thing that hits you is the branding and design. It looks super-professional, so already you feel like you’re in safe hands. And Ami doesn’t mess around with the copy either – straight away you know she’s a business coach.

No fluff, just straightforward design and copy that makes it easy for the customer to understand the process and outcome.

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3. Ann van de Perre

Ann is a leadership coach who helps high achievers get to the top of their profession while making a sustainable impact.

Why it works in 2021: Professional design and clear messaging.

In seconds you know it’s Ann you’ll be working with and that she offers leadership coaching. But not only that, the site is professionally designed, includes a cool video, so we can see what it’s like to work with her, and her portfolio of big-name clients is pretty impressive too.

For business leaders looking to reach the top and make an impact, Ann’s first impression will get them clicking to find out more.

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4. Antoinette Dale Henderson

Antoinette is a leadership coach and speaker who helps organisations, teams and individuals fulfil their potential.

Why it works in 2021: Concise messaging that’s easy to understand.

Antoinette explains she is a leadership coach and a speaker in just 7-words and one photograph. And she promotes her two books in the header too, instead of hiding them away further down the page. 

And why not? 

From the off she’s showing her experience and adding extra gravitas to her business.

Her website also makes it super-easy to take action, gives visitors a wide range of programmes to consider and includes a spellbinding list of previous clients.

As examples go, it’s one of the best coaching websites of 2021.

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5. Becca Tracey

Becca is a business coach who helps solopreneurs grow their business and win clients.

Why it works in 2021: It’s packed with personality.

Becca’s website is super-friendly. And her use of imagery and chatty copy gives you a sense of her personality.

She makes you feel at ease, which is really important for solopreneurs struggling to grow their business and win clients. Becca isn’t afraid to appear human, and she wears her heart on her sleeve – as well as her tattoos.

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6. Bob Heilig

Bob is a business coach who helps solopreneurs grow their business and win clients.

Why it works in 2021: It’s clear who it’s for, looks established and packs a punch.

From the off, we know Bob works with Network Marketers, and what they can achieve by working with him. The website also includes videos, so you get a feel for Bob’s personality, as well as access to free downloads and his weekly podcast, which has achieved over 1-million downloads worldwide.

Pretty darn impressive!

If you’re a Network Marketer, once you land on My Virtual Upline, you’re not even going to think about going anywhere else.

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7. Chris Mifsud

Chris is a business and leadership coach, and he helps leaders in the video game industry enable, empower and grow those around them to be pretty darn awesome.

Why it works in 2021: Branding, design, copy, personality – the works!

Chris’ website is one of the coolest coaching websites out there. From the creative copy to the choice of fonts, imagery and visuals, it’s all bang on trend with his brand.

It’s easy to find out what he does and why it’s worth the investment. And is packed with personality, so much so that his testimonial is a quote from Tomb Raider character, Lara Croft.

If you’re in the gaming industry, like any great video game, it’s hard to switch off – which is why it’s one of my favourite coaching websites of 2021.

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8. Dave Moreno

Dave is a life and business coach and speaker dedicated to maximising his clients’ businesses’ growth potential.

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Why it works in 2021: It’s simple, precise and to the point.

Dave is a no-nonsense business coach, which is why he leads with:

Want to know EXACTLY HOW to grow your business by $100,000 or more this year?

You either want it or don’t – it’s that simple.

Everything about his website exudes confidence, which will make his clients sure he’s the right person to help their business grow.

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9. Fiona Ross

Fiona is a coach for men struggling to live up to the expectations of being a man, and suffering anxiety and burnout.

Why it works in 2021: Her messaging is direct and to the point.

From her business name, Fiona Ross Coaching for Men. To her opening headline, “Solutions for men facing burnout, anxiety or personal crisis.”, Fiona gets straight to the point about what she does and who it’s for.

And she continues this theme throughout, using only the most essential words to get her point across without being confusing or overly complicated.

Fiona’s website makes it super-easy to take action, and her use of imagery matches her brand perfectly.

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10. Heather Frazier

Heather is a family coach who helps parents give up the guilt and improve their relationship with their teen or young adult.

Why it works in 2021: Her copy is warm and personable.

I love that Heather’s page is clear about what she does and who she does it for. But what’s really great are the small things, like saying ‘I get it’ in her About Me copy. It’s little touches like this which make a stressed and tired parent feel seen and want to reach out to somebody like Heather.

She also includes something that’s quite rare on a homepage: FAQs.

It’s a genius move, as it’s there to remove any hesitations her ideal clients might have about her services.


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11. Jennifer Sakowski

Jen is a business coach who helps women who want clarity on launching their business and gives them the tools to balance work and life.

Why it works in 2021: Confident messaging and branding.

Jen’s website is her. From the photography, copy and use of font. And to give her audience a flavour of who she is, there’s also a podcast to stream straight away.

It’s confident, cool and a little bit kick-ass.

Just what her target audience will want.

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12. Dr Jo Baldwin

Jo is a coach for women looking for more confidence, energy and direction.

Why it works in 2021: It’s easy to understand her process.

There’s a lot to love about Jo’s website, from the clear messaging at the start, to testimonials, the different types of coaching she provides and her uber-professional site design.

But what I really love is her ‘Process’ section.

So many coaching websites forget to include this, leaving visitors wondering what’s involved. Not Jo. She makes it dead easy to understand in three simple steps: Diagnose, Decide and Take Action.

And she follows this with a simple, uncluttered call to action.


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13. Kalpa Patel

Kalpa is an addiction intervention and recovery partner who works with individuals, and their families, to create a support network that will help break the destructive cycle of addiction.

Why it works in 2021: Clear copy and honest and open messaging.

Kalpa’s website, Sakshi, is clear on who she is trying to help. And her copy will make her clients change from feeling like a victim to feeling completely understood.

The colours she uses are bright and warm. She doesn’t shy away from talking about her own battle with addiction. And her process makes it easy to understand what’s required from her clients.

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14. Kelly Diels

Kelly is a no-nonsense business coach who teaches online entrepreneurs how to build their business.

Why it works in 2021: It’s packed with personality.

Boy does Kelly have it – and then some.

Kelly’s tone of voice is so powerful, you can’t help but scroll on to find out what she has to say. And her fonts, imagery and colour scheme match her tone of voice.

It’s completely authentic, and you can’t help but buy into Kelly as a coach and a brand.

Come the end, you just want to throw your money at Kelly and scream: “Show me what to do!

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15. Kimberley Sherwood

Kimberley and her team help non-profit organisations navigate the complexities of collaborative work, diverse boards and ambitious fundraising goals.

Why it works in 2021: It has strong visual branding and design.

Kimberley’s website is visually appealing. The colours, imagery and styling make it look clean and professional. It’s easy to work out who she serves. And it’s simple to find out the benefits of working with Kimberley and her team.

Clean, clear and visually impressive.

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16. Kristan Goodman

Kristan is a coach working with parents, teaching them communication strategies that will bring joy, confidence and peace back into the relationship with their teenager.

Why it works in 2021: She makes it easy for her audience to relate to her.

From her copy to her choice of photos, Kristin’s website is instantly relatable for parents of troubled teenagers.

Kristin is a mum to four teens herself, which means she knows what her clients are going through. Her colour scheme is calming. She offers a free download with advice on avoiding a power struggle with teenagers. And makes it super-simple to contact her.

For her client base, it’s a no-brainer.

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17. Lisa Wynn

Lisa is a leadership coach, helping business leaders and individuals create a legacy of their own.

Why it works in 2021: It oozes class from start to finish. 

Lisa’s logo, imagery and overall style is one of complete elegance. It looks professional and established, and you know you’re going to be in safe hands.

From her headline alone, you know what she does and what she can do for you.

Nailing the headline isn’t easy, but Lisa does it with ease.

Her process is transparent, making it much easier to decide if she is the right coach for you. And guess what, if you’re her target audience, you’re going to be under no illusion that she is.

Oh, and Lisa’s list of clients is pretty darn impressive too.

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18. Lisette Leuftink

Lisette is a coach who helps her clients find clarity and confidence to dream big and reach the highest levels of success.

best coaching websites

Why it works in 2021: Beautiful imagery, colour and typography.

Lisette’s website is a delight to navigate due to her choice of imagery, colour scheme and font choices. They’re the perfect blend, and with a clear story structure and call to action, she makes it super-easy for her customers to understand exactly what she can do for them.

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19. Loliya Harrison

Loliya is a coach who works with perimenopausal and menopausal women to help them reclaim their confidence and love their body again.

Why it works in 2021: It’s clear and customer-focused.

Clarity is the most important thing you can give your site visitors in the first few seconds of visiting your site – and Loliya achieves this from the get go.

Loliya’s copy strikes a chord with her audience, making them nod along and think, “She’s talking about me,” as they go. She provides statistics to hammer home her message. Her process and coaching options are easy to understand. And her colour scheme is light, airy and fresh.

If you’re a woman looking for help to navigate perimenopause or menopause, you’re unlikely to leave this site without taking action. And that’s what makes it one of the most effective coaching websites of 2021 by far.

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20. Marika Messenger

Marika is a business leadership coach who helps business leaders and leading businesses successfully transition to working for the greater good by embracing conscious leadership.

Why it works in 2021: It’s clean, clear, well-considered and knows its audience.

As soon as you land on Marika’s website, Conscious Leadership, you know it’s not your average coaching website.

Everything, from the colours, fonts, imagery to the copy and design has been meticulously thought through and made to help business leaders buy into the concept of conscious leadership (the art of using your business as a force for good).

It’s easy to see the different coaching options available. And it ends with a compelling call to action.

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21. Nev Harris

Nev is a coach and agency owner who teaches entrepreneurs how to understand their money. And how to use it as a tool to grow their business.

Why it works in 2021: It’s confident and knows who it’s aimed at.

Nev gets straight to the point, and you know instantly if his skills are right for your business. It’s strong and to the point, but still shows Nev’s personality through his words and images.

If you’re an agency owner who wants to grow your business, it makes you feel confident that working with Nev will be successful, but a little bit fun too.

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22. Nicholas Kusmich

Nicholas is a coach and speaker who helps businesses scale their revenue by getting more customers using Facebook Advertising.

Why it works in 2021: It’s obvious who it’s for, looks professional and oozes confidence.

The design looks super-professional, and Nicholas doesn’t just talk the talk, he backs up his claims of being “the guy behind the highest campaign ROI’s in the world” with social proof and statistics.

There are loads of different options to choose from, from product launches and consulting to marketing or hiring him as a keynote speaker. 

It’s a professional website for professional people who want to make an impact through their marketing.

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23. Rachel Rodgers

Rachel is a coach at HelloSeven, a female-run coaching firm specialising in business, marketing, financial and legal training.

Why it works in 2021: It makes a bold statement from the outset.

And what a statement: 

We should all be millionaires
Let us show you how to make seven-figures.

It’s clear what they do and, if the striking photography wasn’t a giveaway, who it’s for.

The website shows statistics on how financial equality still has a way to go. Allows visitors to download podcasts and freebies, pre-order books and join a membership community.


It’s not too much of a bold statement to say this is one of the most professional coaching websites in 2021.

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24. Roza Rashed

Roza is a life coach and marketing consultant who helps clients trust themselves to make tough decisions in the search for peace and fulfilment.

Why it works in 2021: It’s a nice and simple one-page website.

Roza doesn’t confuse her visitors with pages and pages of stuff. She gets her message across concisely, tells visitors the packages she offers and makes it easy to book a free consultation.

No filler, just everything her customers need to know on one page.

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25. Savannagh Gabriel

Savannagh is a Learning and Development Strategist with a background in Adult Education, Technology-Mediated Learning and Human Resources Management.

Why it works in 2021: It has strong branding with a bit of attitude.

Savannagh’s website, The Learning and Development Strategist, is a little daring for a consultancy. She uses bright colours, sprinkles her copy with a bit of attitude and isn’t afraid to be different from others in her niche.

It’s clear what she does and who she serves and confidently boasts her impressive list of past-clients and testimonials.


26. Speech Sisters

Speech Sisters (aka Burke and Bridget) offer online speech therapy and language courses for parents whose babies and toddlers struggle to talk.

Why it works in 2021: The messaging and tone of voice is perfect for their audience.

The copy on the Speech Sisters website is freakin’ awesome. They know who their audience is and which words will reassure them. It’s also easy to follow the process and gives parents hope that they’ve found the answer to their child’s speech problems. 

The site also includes prices, something you don’t often see on a homepage.

It’s completely transparent – ideal for the stressed-out target audience.

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27. Stu McLaren

Stu works with authors, coaches, consultants, speakers and business owners to transform what they do into recurring revenue.

Why it works in 2021: It’s full of personality, direct and looks impressive.

There’s actually not much content on Stu’s homepage, but the use of video and copy in his header make it clear who he serves and how they can take action to work with him.

The rest of the homepage includes the services he offers, a podcast and a section on one of his businesses which is connected to his speaking and coaching services.

It’s a great example of “less is more”.

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28. Susan Shaw

Susan is a coach, trainer and speaking offering mindset coaching to sports professionals.

Why it works in 2021: It’s obvious who it’s for in as few words as possible.

Susan’s logo explains she’s a coach, trainer and speaker. Her header links show she serves athletes, coaches and executives. And her tagline explains that she offers mindset coaching for sports professionals.

And she does all that in just eleven words.

She also makes it super-easy to take action, includes her coaching process and the imagery is awesome. And, as an ex-basketball player, has a wealth of professional sports experience.

Easily one of the most straightforward coaching websites of 2021.

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29. Tony Robbins

Tony is a coach, trainer and speaker who helps his clients live healthier, wealthier, passionate, purposeful and more fulfilling lives.

Why it works in 2021: The branding is strong and powerful.

Tony Robbins is one of the most well-known coaches in the world. But I’m going to be honest, his website has never been great.

Until now.

Due to the pandemic, Tony has pivoted what he offers online. And as a result, his website is now much stronger and powerful. His branding now represents who he is and what he provides. His messaging is uncomplicated. His list of past clients is impressive. And his podcasts, blog posts and videos showcase his personality.

Oh, and there are loads of options on ways to work with Tony.

It’s got everything you’d want and need.

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30. Veronica Lysaght

Veronica works with clients to enhance their leadership skills and apply them to make a positive difference in the world.

Why it works in 2021: Clear messaging is clear and design that reflects her experience and professionalism.

Veronica’s site does a lot of things right. She makes it clear from the start that she’s a leadership coach. Her images are warm but professional. And she makes it super-easy to follow her process and what it’ll achieve if you work with her.

It’s a tidy, neat and considered website that’s relatable to the problems her clients are going through.

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31. Zita Wita

Zita is a fertility coach and midwife who helps clients transform their relationship with their minds and bodies through guided visualisations and online courses.

Why it works in 2021: The visual branding is gorgeous.

Zita’s coaching website, HUG, does just that. It’s warm, comforting and feels like you’re receiving a warm hug as you read. And this is mostly due to the beautiful visual branding on the website.

It’s clear what Zita does and who she serves. Her video is personable. She’s appeared in a string of high-profile magazines and newspapers. Worked with film stars, like Kate Winslet. And makes it super easy to take action.


But for me, it’s the visuals here that really stand out.

For visual branding, it’s one of the warmest coaching websites of 2021.

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And that’s it – we’re done!

Feeling inspired to revamp your coaching website?

I hope so.

Above are just thirty-one of the best coaching websites in 2021 (and you’ll find a few more in our articles, 20 great coaching websites and 17 health coaching websites to inspire your own). And with a few tweaks – or a complete overhaul – there’s no reason yours can’t be doing all the right things too.

So, if your website needs some heavy lifting, why not sign up for Brand Builder?

Not only will it help you clarify your vision. But you’ll also craft a compelling story, develop your brand identity and share it all proudly on a website that’ll survive 2021 and beyond.

Cat Townsend

Founder of the Good Alliance

After more than a decade spent helping big brands sell more stuff, to people that didn’t need it; Cat set a simple intention: To do more work that made a positive difference in the world. So The Good Alliance was born…


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