11 coaches who totally rock their ‘About Me’ page

Your About Me page has the power to make customers think - “Wow! They totally get me!” Here’s 11 coaching websites we reckon are rockin’ them.

Remember when About Me pages were never-ending blocks of text? They were crammed with long-winded irrelevant stories, including how much you loved your Saturday job when you were fifteen.

They’d touch *briefly* on why you got into what you do and end with a five-paragraph story about how you met your partner and your love of cheese, wine and weekend dog-walking.

Riveting stuff, but nobody ever read them.

Today the focus of a great About page is:

  1. The customer
  2. The problems they’re facing
  3. How you can solve those problems

And it should have the reader nodding along as they read, making them think:

“Wow! They totally get me!”

Coaches rockin’ their About Me page.

Everybody loves a story, and your About Me page is the perfect place to tell yours and win more business into the bargain. However, if you’re unsure where to start, we’ve compiled a list of 11 coaches who are rockin’ theirs.

Have a read, take notes and turn your about page from pretty good to pretty damn great. 

1. Cortney McDermott

Cortney McDermott is a coach, author, TEDx speaker and business strategist working with Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs and business students.

Why it rocks:

Clean, neutral tones, clear pictures and a ‘handwritten’ font for her headers, Cortney’s about page feels cool, elegant and easy to read.

It’s a joy to navigate and makes you feel you’re in safe hands – just what you need from a business coach.

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2. Natalie Brown

Natalie is a group coach for women who’ve counted points and tried every weight-loss diet there is.

Why it rocks:

Short, concise and to the point – Natalie’s about page is short on words but big on impact.

Almost every line on her page is one sentence, and every one of them reveals her truth while hitting the pain points of her target audience.
Less is definitely more.

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3. Matthew Kimberley

Matthew is a self-proclaimed devilishly handsome sales trainer, coaching the basics of successful selling – whatever industry you’re in.

Why it rocks:

If you’re looking for a coach who nails the headline on their about page – it’s Matthew.

It’s all about the benefits and is big, bold and confident – but friendly.

Small businesses can be wary of spending money if it doesn’t guarantee results, from the off you know investing in Matthew is going to be money well spent.

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4. Ciara Foy

Ciara is a Canadian Nutritionist, offering education about weight loss plans and helping her clients implement wellness programs.

Why it rocks:

Ciara uses striking photography and images of healthy food which tie in with her role as a nutritional coach, while the written content hit her target audience’s pain points too.

But the use of video is my favourite part.

It gets her message across and, as it doesn’t auto-play, she doesn’t force it on you.

The addition of how to pronounce her name is a nice touch too [Side note: check out my surname when you reach the end and you’ll see what I mean].

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5. Christopher Mifsud

Christopher is a leadership coach with more than 20 years experience working hand-in-hand with professionals within the video game industry. Through his work he helps leaders level up there team to increase productivity, establish best practices and make companies more cost effective.

Why it rocks:

Christopher uses a brilliant combination of words and branding to connect with his ideal client. His business, Press Start Leadership, makes his clients the hero of their own story telling them that ‘the game industry needs Leaders like you’. He then goes on to offer himself as the logical step to the next level; ‘you need a mentor like me’. Peppered with famous video game quotes and slogans, his website demonstrates a deep understanding of his ideal client.

His ‘about’ page is clear and concise – where he has to talk about himself he doesn’t beat around the bush. There’s a quick introduction that tells us about his experience, a few sentences about why he is passionate about helping others, and then some heavy-hitting client logos from the likes of Disney and MTV. It may be short, but it demonstrates that Chirstopher is exactly the right person to help.

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6. Mel Noakes

Women deserve to feel empowered and live extraordinarily full lives – Mel is a self-care coach on a mission to do just that.

Why it rocks:

Mel uses the perfect balance of imagery and written content to produce a killer about page.

There’s a lot of information here, but by using bold headers, stunning photography, FAQs and even a quiz (yes, a quiz!) – she still manages to say a lot without it ever feeling too much.

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7. Melissa Ambrosini

Melissa is a bestselling author, podcast host, motivational speaker and self-love teacher, inspiring women around the world to live life and achieve their dreams.

Why it rocks:

Using words like cuppa, freakin’ and awesome allow you to hear Melissa’s voice and personality from the start.

The written copy is perfect, drawing you in and forcing you to carry on reading.

Melissa proves you can use a chatty tone of voice yet remain 100% professional.


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8. Michelle Lavergne

Michelle, in her own words, is a ‘no BS coach’, helping women reach their weight and fitness goals.

Why it rocks:

Encouraging headline. Easy to read layout. Rousing subheaders and with strong block colours breaking up the page, the explanation about what she does, why she does it and why you need to use her services are easier to digest.

Oh, and Michelle’s call to action to remind you: “It’s time to get SH*T DONE!” is pretty rousing too.

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9. Julia Carter

Julia is a pharmacist and coach, working with clients to provide coaching that can be backed up with appropriate development interventions.

Why it rocks:

Julia’s use of imagery tells the real story. Sure, she explains the usual:
Who she is, what she does and why you need to use her.

But it’s her use of pictures of women in day-to-day situations, from professional to home life, which helps make her target audience feel she could almost be using photos of their lives.

It’s a clever piece of psychology, executed to perfection.

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10. Meredith Hooke

Meredith is a certified life coach and Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, teaching others how to reduce stress and gain peace and happiness through mindfulness training and meditation practices.

Why it rocks:

Meredith makes a bold statement from the very start. Not only is it a question her target audience will be asking themselves, but she makes it clear she’s thought it too.

She charts her journey throughout her about page, telling her readers the things she’s tried to change her life – because they’ll have tried them too.
It’s beautifully written, expertly laid out and the mix of professional photography and action shots of Meredith living everyday life show the reader they too can go on and live a happy, fulfilled life.

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11. Mira Joleigh

Having transformed her own life after hiring a coach, Mira now works as a life-coach for ambitious women in their 20’s and 30’s.

Why it rocks:

Energetic. Enthusiastic. Short sentences. Colourful headers. Fun facts. Videos.
Mira’s about page is fast and furious – but utterly intoxicating.
Her tone of voice is real and relatable to her target audience of women in their 20’s and 30’s.

Cool, edgy, funny, helpful, light, serious and kick-ass.

That’s hard to balance, but Mira manages it effortlessly.
Nice one!

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How to create a rockin’ About Me page.

Tearing up your website and starting from scratch takes time, but there are a few things you can do that’ll transform your about page from good to great. A few things you can do include:

1. A benefit-driven headline.

Matthew Kimberley and Michelle Lavergne are great examples of coaches with benefit-driven headlines. Dispense with the ‘Welcome to my About page…’ and think of how what you do solves your customers’ problems.

Carry this on in your subheaders too and make the reader feel they’ve found the only coach they’ll ever need.

2. Using professional and ‘real-life’ photography.

Professional photography makes you look, well, professional. They’re clean, bright and give you the look of someone who knows what they’re doing.

However, there’s still room for ‘real-life’ shots too.

Use pictures of yourself at home, out walking, laughing with friends or catching some wild surf – whatever works for your brand.

Jess Rowe, Meredith Hooke and Mira Joleigh use the perfect mix of professional and personal to engage their audience.

3. Making it chatty.

A chatty tone of voice doesn’t mean you’re not professional, it shows you’re human and can be much warmer and persuasive than using a cold, dry tone.

You work with vulnerable people who need to feel understood, so be warm and welcoming and write the way you speak.

Melissa Ambrosini and Mira Joleigh are prime examples.

4. Making it about your customers.

Your customers want to know how what you do can help them – so tell them

Include your journey, but make it about how what you’ve been through has taught you the answers they’re looking for.

Show your reader they are heroes and have the strength within themselves to make a change – all you’re going to do is help them find it.

Mel Noakes and Natalie Brown do this brilliantly.

And that’s just for starters, for more ways to make your about page rock, check out our article How to create an awesome ‘About’ page. Or for more amazing coaches, check out:

Now, it’s over to you.

Hopefully, our eleven examples have inspired you to have a go at making your about page mind-blowing. However, if writing isn’t your strong point, head over to our Copywriting page to find out how The Good Alliance can create content for you.

And if you’ve come across a rockin’ about page that we’ve missed, let us know in the comments below.


Matthew Drzymala

Copywriter & author

Matt is a freelance copywriter, specialising in whatever you throw at him. He’s also an author, runs writing workshops in schools and has hyper-mobility in his thumbs.


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