Brand purpose

What problem are you here to solve, and how can you articulate it in a way that makes people care?

Related topics:


Vision, mission and values


North star


Social impact


Niche or target audience


Ideal customer

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Need some help?

If you’re on a tight budget, our resources can help you get started. But at some point in your brand development, you’ll want to hire expert help.

Our brand strategists can help you make informed decisions about your business and your brand. 

They will provide you with lessons, worksheets and resources that will support you in making those decisions. Supplemented by coaching sessions that will help you think laterally, explore options you might not otherwise have considered, and work through any roadblocks you might encounter. 

What will I cover with the brand strategist?

The short answer, is any or all of the above.

Before the first session, you’ll be given an assessment that will help you and the brand strategist figure out where you need more clarity. On your first session, you’ll agree some objectives for your collaboration, and create a rough plan for what you’ll focus on in each subsequent session.

How will we work together?

Our interactions will involve a pre-specified number of 1-1 Zoom video calls with your brand strategist at a regular agreed interval. 

These sessions will help you will help you think laterally, explore options you might not otherwise have considered, and work through any roadblocks you might encounter. Between calls you will be given homework that will guide you through the important thought work required to ensure you get the most from your next call. 

Can you guarantee I'll get results?

Our strategy sessions are designed to help you achieve specific pre-agreed outcomes. But the results you get out of the collaboration are dependent on you doing the work. 

We will supply you with the frameworks and templates you need to do the work. And our strategy calls will be an opportunity to help you brainstorm ideas and / or move through any roadblocks. 

If you make the time to do the work, this is usually enough to help you get the results you desire.

Can you help me with my website / marketing?
Absolutely. You can find more info about these services over on our Brand Building and Brand Amplification pages.

However, to get the best results out of those services, you really need to have clarity on:

  • who you serve and what problem you solve for them
  • the specific principles or process you use to solve that problem
  • an offer that they are actually interested in engaging with

If you don’t have those three things, it might be worth working with a brand strategist to get clarity on them before investing time or money on a website or marketing.