What we do

Brand amplification

Create content that gets attention, engages people on issues they care about, and inspires them to take action.

This includes:

Brand awareness

How can you use content to educate, entertain, and make complete strangers aware you can help them?


Brand relationships

What experiences can you create to make develop relationships and turn people into loyal followers?


Brand conversions

How can you invite people to invest in your products and services, and make them feel good about it?


Ever notice that good people typically suck at selling themselves?

There are a million different tactics you can implement to try and win customers. But for most socially motivated entrepreneurs, they feel sleazy and downright wrong. So they avoid them altogether and end up broke, broken hearted or burnt out.

But you don’t have to get all salesy to convert people into paying clients or investors.

When you approach marketing as the process of helping people, and sales as the process of extending an invitation, everything gets easier. 

We can help you build a content strategy that will get you in front of your ideal client, and take them on a journey that builds the trust and desire they need to purchase your services. Then when they are ready, you don’t have to ‘sell to them’ – we’ll help you find the right words to invite them to take the next step. 

We can help you get the attention you deserve.

The Brand Amplifier can help you systemise your content marketing and use it to generate a predictable flow of leads for your business.

The best part is that it doesn’t require any pushy sales techniques. When implemented well, your only role is to help people and invite action. 

Our done-with-you brand amplifier program covers three key areas:

Brand awareness

If you want to get someone’s attention, you’ve got to start by connecting with something they care about. 

That’s why our approach to Content Marketing starts by exploring what ideas or content your ideal customer is already engaging with. When we understand what questions your ideal customer is already asking, we can identify opportunities for you to create attention grabbing content that answers those questions.

We’ll then work with you to implement a system for creating and repurposing that content across multiple channels to increase its reach and impact.  

Our goal is to increase awareness of your work, and bring more traffic to your website and build an audience of people who are ready to work with you.

From $1500 USD

Key deliverables:


Content marketing dashboard


Content plan


Content creation checklist


Content repurposing framework

Optional add-ons:


Blog setup & design


Article copywriting


Social media graphics


Social bios

Brand relationships

It’s not enough to get attention. If we want people to invest in what we have to offer, we need to turn that attention into a relationship.

Once you’ve built some momentum with content creation, we’ll identify a topic and format for a content upgrade you can offer to people who consume your content.

This content upgrade might take the form of a checklist, e-book, quiz or webinar. But the general ideas is that by offering them a free gift in exchange for their email address, we gain the opportunity to continue the conversation, and build the trust that is required in order to make them feel comfortable working with us.

From $750 USD

Key deliverables:


Content upgrade framework


Email nurture sequence template

Optional add-ons:


Ebook design


Presentation template design


Quiz setup


Email nurture sequence copywriting


Email nurture sequence setup

Brand conversions

Good people typically suck at asking for the sale. But if we want people to invest in our services, we need to ensure we don’t shy away from inviting them to invest. 

We’ll work with you to build (or improve) your sales process – from the invitation, to discovery calls, to proposals, to payment gateways – looking for opportunities to smooth the way for potential clients, with a minimum of effort on your part.

Our goal is to ensure that each point in a customer’s journey provides clear and compelling opportunities to move forward to the next stage.

From $750 USD

Key deliverables:


Discovery call script and notebook


Proposal framework


Proposal follow-up email templates

Optional add-ons:


Calendly setup


Better Proposals setup


E-commerce setup

Work with our creative team.

If you’re on a tight budget, our resources can help you get started. But at some point in your brand development, you’ll want to hire expert help.

But where do you find a good copywriter? How do you get the best out of a designer? How do you judge whether your developer is any good?

We’ve recruited and trained the best so that you don’t have to! Best of all they know our processes and systems so they won’t waste time reinventing the wheel.

I just need a website.

Awesome. We can help with that – on the proviso, that you have worked with a designer before to build out some brand guidelines, and you have dialled in your brand messaging and have experience writing content for web. 

If you don’t have those things, we strongly advise you to invest in your Brand story and Brand visuals first. Because your website will only be as strong as they are.

Alternatively, if budget is an issue check our do-it-yourself resources can help you get started.

How much does __________ cost?

Before we can provide an exact cost, we’ll need to sit down with you to scope out exactly what you need. However, we’ve included the cost of our basic story, visual brand and website packages above to give you a ball park indication of what it might cost to work with us.

I'm on a tight budget but still need help.

We don’t offer discounts on our creative services, but when money is tight, sometimes it’s just about knowing where that money is best invested.

For instance, it might be worth working with a story strategist to get your messaging ‘just right’, and then save money by using a free or low-cost website template to get that messaging online.

Submit an application to work with us – providing an indication of your available budget – and our Creative Director can help you figure out how to make your investment deliver the biggest return.

How do I hire your team?

If everything you’ve read so far sounds good, then go ahead and fill in our application form to tell us a bit about yourself. Our team will review your application and get in touch to arrange a call to see if we are a good fit for your needs.

Who will be on my creative team?

If we decide to work together, you’ll be assigned a Project Success Manager who will enlist specific creatives to your project based upon your needs and their speciality and availability. Having a Project Success Manager means that you can focus on the big vision, while they focus on getting the right people, to deliver the right outcome, at the right time.